SGS New Voices Symposium


                                              Saturday 23rd March 2024               
                                       Broad Street Methodist Church (Opposite the Museum)
                                                         10am to 2pm

Join us for a day of discovery as we hear from researchers who are undertaking new investigations into the SGS’s collections and history. In the morning, four researchers currently investigating the SGS collections will present some of their findings with opportunities for questions and discussion. During and after lunch, visit special displays in the museum where the materials the researchers are working on will be displayed for one day only. In the afternoon, join us for a workshop on local history research skills hosted by the new Centre for Fenland Studies.

(All tickets include lunch. The afternoon workshop is strictly limited to 30 places.)

£10 Per Person         £5 Student

Afternoon workshop is an additional £2.50
and is limited to 30 places only…


Prof. Neil Christie (University of Leicester)

“An Eye for Detail, an Eye for a Deal: Ruins and Residences in the Landscape Engravings of Samuel Buck, 1720s-1730s”


Prof. Mark Gardiner (University of Lincoln)

“At and Beyond the Western Margins of the Fens: The Changing Landscapes near Baston in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries”


Liam Sims (University of Leicester & University of Cambridge)

“‘Promoters of universal learning’: Eighteenth-Century Collaboration & Correspondence in the Spalding Gentlemen’s Society”


Dustin Frazier Wood (University of Roehampton & SGS)

“Collecting and Philanthropy: The SGS and Spalding Past and Future”


Afternoon Workshop

Dr Michael Gilbert (Centre for Fenland Studies)

“Working with Archival Documents: 16th and 17th Century Local History”

Please click on the EventBrite link below to book your tickets…

Please join us for what will be a very informative day

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