I Felt Like Alice in Wonderland (Italian & English)
Irene Regolo
[*We are delighted to have many international members, volunteers and correspondents. To ensure their voices are captured, we present their posts in their own words, followed by a translation where necessary.]
Durante il mio viaggio attraverso l’Inghilterra, casualmente scoprii la SGS e il suo museo, ero abituata a visitare grandi e rinomati musei, ma quando vi entrai pe la prima volta, fu come scoprire un piccolo gioiello celato a sguardi indiscreti.
Era come essere proiettati nella Storia, in un tempo sospeso che si mostrava poco a poco.
Quello che mi colpii di più fu l’atmosfera particolare che vi regnava e la moltitudine, la varietà e la preziosità degli oggetti esposti che mi fece pensare ad una sorta di Wunderkammer, ordinata ed esposta con grazia, perizia ed eleganza.
Tutto era come doveva essere, aveva il fascino di una partitura musicale, non coglierlo era quasi impossibile, almeno per me.
Questo contribuì a capire meglio il mio personale rapporto con l’Arte ed il Restauro, le motivazioni e la curiosità che mi spingono in quella direzione ed attraverso le quali mi sento appagata.
In quell’occasione, al termine della visita e aver parlato con i volontari presenti presi la decisione di aderire alla SGS e di attivarmi per contribuire per quanto mi è possibile, collaborando e contribuendo a far conoscere ed apprezzare ciò che ci deriva dal passato, sul quale si basa il nostro presente.
During my journey across England, I casually came upon SGS, and its museums. I was used to visiting large and famous museums, but when I entered there for the first time, it was was like finding a rare, tiny and precious jewel.
It was as if I had been sent back in time, to a place where time itself was suspended, edging out a little at a time.
What struck me the most was the particular atmosphere that reigned there, and the vast variety of precious items exhibited, that made me think of a kind of Wunderkammer (cabinet of curiosities) carefully exhibited with grace, skill and elegance.
Everything was it should have been, it had the charm of a musical score, to not fall under its spell was impossible, at least for me.
This helped me to understand my personal rapport with Art and Restoration, and justify the motivation and curiosity that drives me in that direction, giving me great personal satisfaction.
On that occasion, at the end of my visit and after speaking to the volunteers present, I decided to join SGS. My aim is to help, where possible, to collaborate and contribute in making known and to appreciate that what derives from our past, is also the foundation of our future.
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