Members may have noticed electrical and associated works going on at the museum which should finish by the end of this month. We have been able to carry on activities around the work and hope not too much inconvenience has been caused.
The work has been funded by The Arts Council through the agency of Museum Development East Midland. This is part of their ‘Ready to Borrow’ Grant project.
We have also been funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund with a Resilient Heritage Grant. This grant will fund the advice and expertise of Focus Consulting to research and evaluate our options for the future of the Society.
Since achieving Accredited Museum status we have had more success with our applications for outside funding. The Pilgrim Trust through AIM (Association of Independent Museums) have given us a generous grant towards environmental monitoring equipment and software. Work is continuing with our Lincoln Records Society Project, digitising our early minute books.
All of the outside funding we receive helps us to improve the care of our building and collections. These funds are not available for the core funding of running costs. To meet these, we are hugely dependent on the subscriptions of members and the donations of visitors.
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