AGM 2020

Our 2020 AGM was held on Wednesday 30th September. It was a closed meeting organised under the emergency arrangements allowed during the pandemic.

The President and Secretary were present and the quorum was made up of proxies submitted by the membership.

We are very grateful to the 107 members who sent in proxy forms either by post or electronic means.

All resolutions were passed.

In the letter that accompanied the AGM Notice we did ask members to raise any questions they might wish to bring up.

Two were received.

Q. The March Newsletter raised serious concerns about the central heating system. What has been the outcome?

A. At the time of the March Newsletter there were suggestions that the central heating system had a leak. If true this could have been serious and potentially expensive to correct. In the event it turned out there was no leak and our central heating engineer is now satisfied with the integrity of the system.

Q. The March newsletter also noted that negotiations for expansion next door had reached an impasse, raising the question about continued occupation of the present building. The September Newsletter mentions the acquisition of some off-site storage space and the re-organisation of displays. What plans are being considered/implemented for the long term future of the Society and the financial means by which this could be funded?

A. Council continues to investigate all possible solutions to our problems. The Society needs more exhibition space, and we continue to seek either an extension to our present building or a suitable alternative. It is clear that we do not have funding in hand for either solution. We are actively seeking grant funding, but do not expect this to be easy to obtain. As the recent newsletter mentioned we are pursuing the possibility of off-site storage for both library and artifacts. We have received funding from Historic England for a major structural survey of the Museum. The report is due in November. We will endeavour to keep members informed of this and other developments.

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