Celebrating the Fens.

There will a longer Sunday opening in collaboration with Fascinating Fens for the ‘Celebrate the Fens’ event.

See the slideshow of wildfowling on Cowbit Wash, purchase a Grundy walk pack for a self guided walk around Spalding and view some of our fen related collection.

Portrait Promenade / Engaging People past & present Exhibition

This exhibition is the culmination of two Arts Council for England grants.

The first grant was for South Holland District Council and Transported Arts to create some Super Saturdays of fun activities for Spalding Town Centre.  On two of the Saturdays, photographer Steve Hatton created 30 really great portraits of shoppers and traders.

Independently Spalding Gentlemen’s Society applied for a grant to promote the Society and to enable the Museum to be open on Wednesdays from 11.00-1.00to non-members. To promote the museum, we joined Transported Arts in the town to show images of the town, its people and clothes, using Burgess prints, glass plate images and clothes from the Museum’s collection to compare and contrast life past & present

Open Wednesdays 11.0 – 1.0  3rd Sunday every month till June 19


Jun 19 2022


11:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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