Merchants and Traders: medieval and early modern trade in Wash.

Programme attached but may be subject to change if any speaker has to withdraw.

Bookings on Eventbrite open on 15/08/2022,  bookings can also be made directly to the museum but please remember to tell us of any special dietary requirements when booking.


Fenland Heritage Network/Spalding Gentlemen’s Society Symposium

Merchants and Traders:  medieval and early modern trade in the Wash 

15th October 2022

South Holland Centre, Spalding

P R O G R A M M E 

Key-Note Speaker: Alison Fairman (Boston Hanse)

Links with Europe – the Boston Hanse Group.

Morning Session (10:00 – 12:45): 

Chair: Dr Dustin Frazier Wood

  1. The Rise and Fall of Medieval Boston

Professor Stephen Rigby

  1. Kings Lynn and the German Hanse

Dr Paul Richards

  1. Merchants and Port Books in Jacobean Kings Lynn

Dr Alan Metters

<< LUNCH (12:45 – 14:00) – Maritime Wash Exhibition >>

Afternoon Session (14:00 – 16:00):

Chair: Tom Grimes

  1. East Anglian Women and Trade in the Fifteenth Century

Dr Dustin Frazier Wood

  1. Medieval Fenland Merchants: John Masse and Nicholas Alwyn

Dr Michael Gilbert

Closing Remarks:

Petronella Keeling

Chair, Spalding Gentlemen’s Society


Oct 15 2022


Please arrive for registration 9.30am
10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

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